Sunday 1 April 2018


Organising mathematics Quiz and Execution of the same is a complex and challenging task. It requires a skill on the part of Teachers (or) the Quiz maker. The whole program must be well planned in advance.
To conduct the Mathematics Quiz successfully the following points has to be kept in mind.  They are:
1. To conduct the Quiz we have to select the participants or we can say the volunteer on whom Quiz has to be conducted selected is random and has a criteria.
2. Duration of the Quiz: (Time)
It must be about 90 mints, with in this time we have to have as many rounds as possible; it depends on   
  the number of rounds and also types of rounds.
   3. Groups: There must be only 3 or 4 groups, minimum number of students has to be selected, and the
      questions of one round should not be repeated in any round.
  4.   Instruction:  Instruction has to be given to all teams well in advance before starting each round. What   
      they have to do? How they have to do? When they will gain marks? When they lose marks? Etc.
   5.  Rounds in the Quiz:
       In Mathematics Quiz there will be usually six rounds. They will be as follows.
I Round:
            In this round the Questions are asked to test the knowledge    of maths.
II Round:
In this round the Questions are asked to test the understanding of maths.
            III Round:
To test their transfer of learning Mathematical concepts and principles.
            IV Round:
            Visual Round, to know their visual ability.
            V Round:
Buzzer round, the rapidness (or) Quickness in answering is also counted.
            VI Round:
Motor skill Round means shows their quickness in assembling things.
      The Quiz has to be conducted with a moderator under moderator there will be four teams, moderator pose questions on the teams. There will be a time keeper. There will be a scorer with which we can conduct the Quiz. The score taken by each round. After announcing the final scores, who has got more marks gets the prize. Buy this the mathematics Quiz will be concluded.
I. Quiz:
            According to National policy of education 1986 has enforced that one of the main purpose of Teaching is to develop in children Mathematical attitude and mathematical…..discipline.
                There is an axiom saying that “children of today are the artists of tomorrow”. The Architect qualities can only be developed when the students are given various opportunities of learning and also should know the achievements and land marks of various branches of knowledge so the school should provide such activities to gain knowledge of all branches of mathematics or all branches of knowledge.
                According in Kothari commission (1964-66).  The destiny of nation is shaped in or through class room activities.
The National mathematics study committee report also stresses the need for teaching maths is to make children to think creatively to act creatively and to do creatively.
These things can be achieved by teaching mathematics more as a process than as a product and the very purpose of teaching mathematics is to provide to the children facts, concepts, making children to develop carefulness in making statements. To develop in them observation skill to develop in them a sense of inter relatedness, for this more direct teaching may not help the children so, that extended activities like mathematics Quiz (or) Brain storming sessions help the children to look at the situation in more mathematical way and to think relevantly about the situation.
Mathematics Quiz is a small test administered to know the students’ knowledge or it is a short duration test used to know the student’s knowledge and understanding in the field of Mathematics.
Mathematics Quiz is one of the activities with the help of which a mathematics teacher can motivate and encourage the children to become truthful, active, and alert and to arose in him/her critical thinking importantly frankness straight forwardness.
The mathematics quiz will go a long way in shaping and molding the personality of child towards mathematics.
Mathematics quiz is a means to bring a path in the mind a way of habit of reasoning or thinking.
II. Importance of Mathematics Quiz:
1.       A Mathematics Quiz is a co-curricular activity it is a activity very much different from the usual class room activities.  The class room activities are also called as controlled activities, the mathematics Quiz is an uncontrolled activity. It helps the children to develop the discipline on their own, towards mathematics.
2.       Mathematics Quiz plays a vital role in seeking voluntary participation from the children.
3.       Mathematics Quiz will be easy for those children who have the habit of wide reading.
4.       Mathematics Quiz helps the children to gain perfect, authentic, accurate information.
5.       Mathematics Quiz develops competitiveness among children.
6.       It helps the children to enhance their knowledge.
7.       It develops mathematical attitude in the children.
8.       The children will cautions before making statements in Mathematics Quiz.
III. Objectives of Mathematics Quiz:
1.       To develop critical thinking among children.
2.       To make the children to learn mathematical attitude.
3.       To develop the skill of answering precisely.
4.       To make the children to think and answer quickly.
5.       To consolidate and rapid revision of mathematical facts.
6.       To develop a situation for children to understand and to answer immediately.
7.       To exercise the practice of brief answering in the limited time.
8.       To get equipped with useful and important facts.
9.       To motivate the children to win prizes.
10.   To faster creative instincts among children.
11.   To make children to get an awareness about the contribution of mathematics and latest discoveries.
Olympiads went public in 1979, last year 15,000 students from 5,000 teams worldwide participated in the Olympiads.


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    1. Thank you so much for your valuable feedback.

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