Sunday 1 April 2018

Mathemetics Text books

Text-books are standardized collection of the subject-matter that has to be taught to the students. They facilitate the teaching of new concepts and skills and maintain the knowledge already acquired and help the correlation of the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of life
 Need for a Good Textbook in Mathematics
      Though there are contradicting opinions regarding the use of textbooks for mathematics teaching and learning, the following points support the use of mathematics textbooks.
         A mathematics textbook is very useful for a teacher in the following ways.
1.       A textbook is written according to the syllabus and gives the outline of the course. Therefore it helps the teacher to decide about the limits and depth of the content to be presented to the students while teaching.
2.       A textbook provides insight to the teacher in planning the lesson, in selecting the problems to be worked out, the methods of teaching to be adopted and the teaching aids to be used.
3.       The textbook is written by experienced teachers of mathematics. By using textbooks, a teacher of mathematics, especially a beginner, can avail the experience and expertise of the authors.
4.       The logical and psychological sequence followed in a textbook helps the teacher in presenting the subject matter in an orderly and systematic sequence.
5.       A good textbook presents a variety of worked out examples on each topic. This helps the teacher in getting acquainted with different types of problems and the methods to solve them. This gives him more self-confidence while teaching.
6.       The well-graded exercises provided after every topic in the textbook help the teacher in assigning suitable homework and assignment to the students to suit their intellectual capacity.
7.       A textbook saves a lot of time for the teacher as he need not spend time to prepare problems and the solutions as they are readily available in the textbooks.
8.       A mathematics textbook provides the teacher with the basic information considered essential in attaining the objectives of mathematics education and this helps the teacher to plan appropriate learning experiences.
A textbook is an important aid for learning mathematics.
    It is useful for the students in the following ways:
1.       The textbook helps the pupils to relate, what they are learning, to life.
2.       It helps to foster the right study attitude among the students since the textbook presents definite and concrete details in a scientific and intensive manner which could arouse the students’ interest and curiosity.
3.       The textbook provides important source of materials for reviewing and recapitulating the lessons taught in the class.
4.       It places within the reach of the pupil the theoretical development, worked out with much thought and a wide view of the bearings of the subject. This helps in meaningful learning.
5.       The textbook helps in pre-preparation of the lesson and gets the students acquainted with lessons to be taught.
6.       It provides adequate materials for drill and practice and thus helps in fixing the mathematical principles and formulae in the minds of the students.
7.       It saves time and labour of the students as they need not copy the illustrative problems, exercise problems and homework problems.
8.       It encourages self-study and independent work among the students.
9.       It supplements classroom learning and helps in the realization of the objectives of mathematics education.
10.   Textbooks help in clearing the doubts and misunderstanding relating to mathematical concepts, formulae and principles. It also helps in correcting the mistakes that occur while copying the formulae and problems from the blackboard.
11.   The textbook helps in the extensive study of the subject as it presents different problems and various approaches to problem-solving.
12.   New learning activities such as individual projects, laboratory experiments and demonstrations suggested in the textbook can be carried out by the students. It permits each student to read and carry out the activity at his own rate of comprehension.
Importance of text – books
Usefulness to the teacher:
1.      It provides suitable subject matter and guideline regarding the syllabus of the subject. So the teacher neglects no portion of the syllabus and does not waste time on relevant details.
2.      The text books help the teacher planning his lessons, deciding his method of teaching and preparing suitable aids.
3.       It provides certain well illustrated examples about a topic.
4.       Text books are usually written by the well experienced teachers and subject experts. A teacher can make use of their services by making use of their Text-books.
Usefulness to the students:
1.       They provide the students with well graded exercises for drill, revision and review.
2.        Text books help in pre-preparation. At their home, students may get themselves prepared for studying the next day lesson.
3.       Text-books help in doing self-learning, self-study and helping the students to acquire the habit of independent learning.
4.       Text-books are also quite useful in case a students has to remain absent from class due to one (or) the other reason.
Characteristics of Good Text-books:
1.       It presents the subject-matter strictly in accordance with the latest-syllabus.
2.       It is written by experienced teachers.
3.       It should contain well graded problems for revision.
4.       The day-to-day needs of the students and their physical and social environment should find due place in the text book.
5.       It should be according to the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics in that particular class.
6.       The new development and invention in the filed of Mathematics should find their place in the text-book.
7.       The psychological as well as logical order should be followed in the organization of the subject matter of the text-book.
8.       All the definitions, concepts and principles given in the text book should be as clear and definite as possible.
9.       It should make use of the national and international standard terminology in terms of symbols, formulae and definitions.
10.   The principle “from simple to complex” should be followed in the arrangement of the topics of the text-book.
11.   It should meet the abilities, experience and interest of the students for which it has been written. It should cater to the needs of all types of students – slow, average and fast learners.
       The qualities of a good textbook in mathematics can be broadly classified under the following heads.
1.       Physical features.
2.       Author.
3.       Content.
4.       Organisation and presentation.
5.       Language
6.       Exercise and Illustrations.
7.       General
1. Physical features:
1.       The paper used in the textbook should be of superior quality.
2.       It should have quality printing and the binding of the book should be strong and durable.
3.       The printing should be bold and easily readable.
4.       It should have an appealing and attractive cover page.

1.      Author:
1.       It should be written by qualified, experienced and competent teachers of mathematics or a committee of experts constituted by the state government.
3. Content:
                   1. The textbook should be written according to prescribed syllabus and every aspect of the
                       Syllabus should be adequately covered.
2.       It should be in accordance with the aims and objective of teaching mathematics in that
Particular class.
3.       The content presented in the textbook should be accurate and up-to-date. It should include the recent developments in the mathematics relating to the content dealt with.
4.       The contents of the textbook should have a direct, practical and social utility value.
5.       Oral mathematics should find its due place in the textbook.
6.       The answers given at the end of each section should be correct.
7.       It should satisfy the demands of examination.
4. Organisation and Presentation:
           1. It should provide for individual differences. It should meet the needs of students of varying
                abilities, interests and attitudes.
                  2. There should be sufficient provision for revision, practice and review.
                  3. The textbook should relate the classroom learning to the real life needs and the physical and
                      social environments of the learners.
                  4. The subject matter in the textbook should be carefully organized with reference to the logical
                      as well as psychological considerations which make teaching effective.
5.       The content should be organized in the increasing order of difficulty. Principle of verticle correlation should be followed to relate the present knowledge with the past and future.
6.       The presentation of the content should foster right attitude towards self-study and self-reliance among pupils by suggesting project work, field work and laboratory work.
7.       It should facilitate the use of analytic, synthetic, inductive deductive, problem solving and heuristic approaches to teaching.
8.       The textbook should stimulate the initiative and originality of the students.
9.       It should offer suggestions to improve study habits.
   5. Language:
                  1. The language used in the textbook should be simple and easily understandable and within         
                       the grasp of the pupils.
            2. The style and vocabulary used should be suitable to the age group of students for whom the    
                 book is written.
                  3. The terms and symbols used musts be those which are popular and internationally accepted.
                  4. All terms, and concepts and principles used in the text should be clearly and accurately stated     
                     and defined.
     6. Exercise and Illustrations:
                1. The presentation of the subject matter must be attractive and interesting with appropriate
                      illustrations in terms of pictures, diagrams and figures.
                2. The diagrams used in the textbook should be easily recognizable and geometric constructions
                    should be in proportion with the measurements prescribed by the problem.
                3. The illustrations should be accurate, clear and appropriate.
                4. It should provide adequate opportunities to motivate the students to solve problems by
                    Presenting adequate number of worked out problems and problems constructed from daily   
                    life. Situations requiring the student to apply mathematical principles and formulae for their   
              5. The text should contain some difficult problems or exercises to challenge the mathematically
                 Gifted students.
              6. There should be well graded exercises give at the end of every topic to satisfy the needs of all
     7. General:
           1. The textbook should be of latest edition with necessary modifications.
           2. The book should be of moderately priced and readily available in the market.
 Qualities of a good text-book:
         I.  Subject matter:  
                  1.   Its usefulness
                    2.  Proper organization
                    3. Coverage of the prescribed syllabus.
                    4. Accordance with standard of students.
                    5. Logical and psychological sequence of presentation.
                    6. Up-to-date content.
       II. Language and style:
1.       Simple and clear language.
2.       Simple language of question.
3.       Number and type of questions.
4.       Use of well-defined and authorized technical words.
5.       Free from errors and mistakes.
      III. Form of price:
1.       Impressive get up
2.       Good and mistake less printing.
3.       The type of print according to age group of student.
4.       Clear printing of figures and graphs.
5.       Use of good paper.
    IV. Author and publication:
1.       Qualification. Rank and Teaching Experience of the author.
2.       Expert of the subject & specialization.
3.       Reputation of the publisher.
4.       Year of publication.
              The selection of content should be carried out on the basis of following principles. These are also termed as “Principles of curriculum” construction.
1. Principles of utility (or) criterion of practical value:
              In Mathematics, firstly an attempt is made to include these topics which are useful in day-to-day life. From this point of view, there are certain aspects of mathematics which are indispensable for everybody. E.g. four fundamental operations of simple calculation, concept of weight and measurement area profit and loss, average, percentage, interest, tax tables and graphs, simple and common geometrical figures etc are most useful content for elementary mentioned topics is well known since their knowledge is indispensable for each of us in leading our day-do-day life.
       A topic or content should be including in the curriculum, if it is useful.
1.       In everyday life.
2.       In the study of other subjects.
3.       In some vocations.
4.       In understanding and appreciating the role played by mathematics in the development of civilization and other branches of knowledge.
2)  Principle (or) Criterion of Preparatory:
              According to this principle, on the one hand the content of a curriculum should be helpful to prepare the students for leading his future life smoothly and on the other; it should also prepare them for further advanced education. Therefore, the content should be so selected that it should be preparatory for higher ed., also should be terminus or complete ed., for those who would be preparing to enter in actual life. Since the majority of students intend to enter in to real life such as domestic, occupational business government service etc., and only a small percentage of students have a will to acquire higher education.
3)  Principle or criterion of Disciplinary value:
The mathematics possesses a real disciplinary value due to its nature. It means the study of mathematics trains or disciplines the mind. To discipline the mind is not only function of Ed/: The education must be useful and functional. So, the disciplinary value of a topic can not be made the sole criterion to include it in the students in some other way also. The real useful problems train the mind in better way than the unreal formal problems.
While selecting the topic or content to be includes in the curriculum of mathematics those topics should be preferred which can provide both useful knowledge and mental training or discipline. If a topic is taught in an effective and logical manner it will certainly create some mental habits.
4)    Principle (or) Criterion of Cultural Value:
To develop the desirable attitude and ideals is another important aim of mathematics teaching therefore the topics which can be helpful in the development of habits of logical reasoning, accuracy, co-operation, sympathy, tolerance and appreciation should be include in the curriculum. Mathematics has played on important role in the advancement of culture and civilization. There are so many topics related with this fact. There are certain ideas and facts of mathematics is that from an integral part of modern culture and society, so, the ideas and facts which have become an integral part of culture, therefore, in the selection of topic for curriculum of mathematics. The cultural value of the content should be taken as criterion.
 5)  Principle of child – Centeredness:
            The Education, subject – centered but now-a-days more and more emphasis is put to make it child-centered. The school and subjects are meant for the child and not for the child for the school. Therefore, while taking a decision about usefulness of the content we should always keep in mind the child for whom it is meant. The child’s present and future needs, his interests and aptitudes, his abilities and difficulties should be given due to consideration in each activity of Educational process, i.e., everything has to be made to suit the child. Therefore, in the selection of topic or subject matter to be included in the curriculum, the child’s needs, interests, abilities, age levels etc, should be kept in mind.
6)   Principle of Relation with community:
      The curriculum must be vitally linked with community life. It should bring the child into closer contacts with some of its significant and important activities. So, the social life outside the school must have some bearing on the activities to be taken up in the school. It has been emphasized that the need of the society determines the aims of schooling which in turn becomes the determining factor for selection of content.
7)    Principle of Flexibility:
        In a dynamic society, the aims of educational go on changing since they depend on the needs of changing society. Therefore, a rigid and inelastic curriculum cannot meet the requirements of the present day schools. Besides it, the developments in the subjects also necessitate a change in curriculum. So, any rigid curriculum cannot be followed forever. Thus, the curriculum should be flexible enough to be adapted to the needs of changing society.
8)   Principle of correlation and Integration:
      It has been universally admitted that a new piece of knowledge is not an isolate fragment. The knowledge is not to be imparted in isolated units but it should take place through a well-integrated and interlinked process. Thus, the contents of curriculum should be correlated and integrated with each other. This correlation in the curriculum aims at realizing and acquiring the unity of knowledge through which the different needs of a particular stage and at different stages can be fulfilled.
9)  Criterion of Teacher’s views and experiences:
     An experienced teacher knows the levels of students and the suitable content which should be taught to them. But, mostly it happens that curriculum is imposed on teachers and they are unaware about the significance of changes in the curriculum if any. Though few teachers are included in the curriculum committee to represent the teacher’s side but their selection is arbitrary rather than academy specialist. An attempt should also be made to collect the views of general teachers of a particular subject matter to any change or modification in the syllabus of that subject.